
Garanti: 1 år

iSkin er et selskap basert i Toronto, de er mest kjent for sine iPod-futteraler, som først ble utgitt i 2002. iSkin har siden den gang produsert en rekke andre tilbehør som hodetelefoner, tastaturbeskyttelse til Macintosh og Sony PSP-futteraler. Ni måneder etter at den første versjonen av iPod kom på markedet, lanserte iSkin sin første silikonbeskyttelse for de nye MP3-spillerne. Slik lyder iSkins mission statement: iSkin is an ongoing philosophy that encompasses the innovation of cool. Everything we touch we embody independent design and free thought with the sole intention of satisfying those who embrace our offerings. What you have come to understand and what you will remember us by are products developed through love and appreciation for technology. It is an underlying yearning for perfection that is the single driving force of a company that expresses itself through the individual personality of each project pursued. Free thinkers go about life much in the same way, and thinking different is not an option but a way of life. iSkin is committed to delivering the best products using the most advanced technology available and the pursuit of excellence is our driving force.
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